This website was created in honor of the Tears and Suffering of Our Most Sorrowful Mother and in honor of the pains Jesus Christ felt during His Passion and Death, for our salvation.
Virgin Mary had such intense suffering during Her life, mainly during the Holy Week. She is always ready to listen and to help Her children with all kind of problems, because She knows all sufferings and She is ready to help us, all we need to do is to know Her better, trust more and join our sufferings with Hers. In dangers, in difficulties, in doubts, in trials, think of Mary, call upon Mary.
This devotion to Our Lady of Sorrows started in 1239, near Florence, Italy, when Our Lady appeared to 7 holy men, revealing to them Her wish for them to form an Order dedicated to practicing and promoting the devotion to Her Sorrows. It is our mission to promote and make this devotion known by every person. Practicing this devotion, the devotee will be closer, know more about the suffering of the Blessed Virgin, also closer to Our Lord.
This devotion is known around the globe, and is widely represented by paintings and statues of Our Lady of Sorrows, like the famous “ Pietà ” sculptured by Michelangelo. Pietà translation is Pity, Compassion, when Jesus was taken down from the Cross. The reader will see several images of paintings and statues in this website, fruit of many artists expressing and joining their sorrows with the Mother of God.
The meditation over an image, it is also a prayer!